SANDAKAN: The Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry (KPDN) recorded seizures of over RM1 million involving 55 cases of various offences in Sandakan since January 1 till yesterday.

Its Sandakan district enforcement chief Azdy Zukkry John said that they also received 52 complaints during the period, and 47 of them were completed while another five more were still being investigated.

“A total of RM6,700 in compounds was collected for various offences during the same period,” he said in a statement here today, adding that the enforcement team also issued compounds of RM1,000 to five traders out of the 10 business premises inspected in Pekan Botition, Sugut and Sapi Nangoh near here today.

“The Sandakan KPDN welcomes any information and complaints regarding trader misconduct. The public can also lodge complaints immediately if they come across overly expensive prices of goods instead of hoping it will go viral on social media as we are worried that evidence could be destroyed,” he said.

Consumers can channel complaints through official channels at KPDN via Whatsapp at 019 279 4317 or 019 848 8000, or reporting it at the complaints portal,