SEREMBAN: The Negeri Sembilan Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living (KPDN) seized 515 subsidised controlled items of Liquid Petroleum Gas cylinders worth RM59,194.80 at a premises in Port Dickson, yesterday.

Negeri Sembilan KPDN director Muhammad Zahir Mazlan said enforcement officers seized two lorries (Bison), 30 units of hose, an electronic weighing unit (CTS), to ice containers and 10 packets of ice, all worth RM109,084.

“Investigations and surveillance spotted illegal LPG decanting process. During the raid though no responsible parties were found at the premises.

“The items, including the gas cylinders, lorries and other equipment were confiscated as the place was being operated without a permit or licence,“ he said in a statement here today.

He added that the case would be investigated under Section 21 of the Control of Supplies Act 1961.