IPOH: Perak recorded 811,833 visitors from Brunei last year, said State Industry, Investment, Tourism and Corridor Development Committee chairman, Loh Sze Yee.

He said the number increased more than 200 per cent compared to only 301,752 Bruneians recorded in 2022.

“Brunei is one of the five tourist sources that make Malaysia a tourist destination in addition to Singapore, Indonesia, China and Thailand,“ he said when speaking at the Visit Perak Year 2024 Networking Session in conjunction with the Familiarization Trip of Tourism Malaysia Brunei to Perak at a restaurant here tonight

In the meantime, Loh said the state recorded 17.1 million domestic tourist arrivals last year and was ranked fourth after Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Sarawak.

“This increase provides a great opportunity to continue promoting the uniqueness and attractions of the state through its effective promotion strategy,“ he said.