PETALING JAYA: The Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) has referred the RM100 million lawsuit to the Attorney-General’s office.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Razarudin Husain confirmed that the Attorney-General will oversee the case, while PDRM will assist in obtaining an affidavit related to the proceedings, according to Utusan Malaysia.

On August 20, media reported that the Senior Assistant Commissioner Datuk Mat Zaki Md. Zain, the former Chief of Intelligence Staff of the East Coast Special Security Area of Sabah (ESSCOM), along with three others sued PDRM.

The lawsuit, filed on August 15, names Datuk Mat Zaki Md. Zain, Fabian Anak Rungan, Dennis Anak Enit and Mohd Azlan Sakaran as plaintiffs.

They are seeking RM100 million in damages, special damages, declarations, and apologies from 11 defendants.

The defendants include former Criminal Investigation Department director Datuk Seri Abdul Jalil Hassan, Kuala Lumpur police chief Datuk Rusdi Mohd Isa, Selangor police chief Datuk Hussein Omar Khan, and former Sabah police commissioner Datuk Idris Abdullah.

Additionally, Tawau District police chief Assistant Commissioner Jasmin Hussin, Assistant Commissioner Ts Dr Mohd Hakim Hashom, Deputy Superintendent Yusman Shahri Marinsah, and the Inspector General of Police are also named in the lawsuit.


Former ESSCom Intel Chief, three others file RM100 million suit against govt