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PUTRAJAYA: The Public Service Department (PSD) launched its newly-ugraded portal which adapts the aspirations of MADANI, the G.R.E.A.T Civil Service and H.E.M.A.T.

In a statement today, PSD also assured that the new portal not only has stronger and more sustainable information and communication technology (ICT) security aspects but was also developed without any cost.

“The new portal is upgraded by adapting MADANI aspiration of Creativity, the G.R.E.A.T Civil Service aspiration of Best Governance and H.E.M.A.T aspirations of Cultivating Minds and Appreciating Innovation.

“It was entirely done by our information technology officers from the Digital and Information Technology Division (BDTM),” the statement read.

Meanwhile, Public Service director-general Datuk Seri Wan Ahmad Dahlan Abdul Aziz said the new portal offers a more compact and simple display with the concept of less is more, clean and simple, a focused display and effective use of white space.

“This concept is the first of its kind implemented by government services.

“Thus, this should be a new benchmark for all ministry, department, and other agency portals so that they can be coordinated collectively and constantly updated to meet customer expectations,” he was quoted as saying in the statement.

Meanwhile, the statement said that 1,000 users per day on average have been recorded browsing the PSD portal to access the government’s open data for services provided.

“It is hoped that the newly upgraded portal can support and improve public service delivery towards Digital Government more efficiently and effectively,” it said.

The PSD also said that eight other systems were also developed internally by BDTM without involving any cost, namely the GCR Award System, Public Service Examination System (SPPA), Value Practice Management System (SPAN), Value Audit Inventory System (iNSAN) and Public Service Remuneration System (SSPA).