KUALA LUMPUR: The Communications Ministry, through the Tun Abdul Razak Broadcasting and Information Institute (IPPTAR), has allocated RM1.5 million to organise over 70 media and broadcasting courses this year.

Deputy Minister Teo Nie Ching said 18 courses would include specific modules related to artificial intelligence, which would be beneficial for all media practitioners, whether from government or private agencies.

“This year, some RM1.5 million has been allocated and IPPTAR’s key performance indicator is to organise 30 courses for media friends.

“For government staff, the registration fee is RM30, while for the private sector, it depends on the course,” she told reporters after officiating at the Micro-Credentials Education Summit 2024 here yesterday.

Teo said this initiative is one of the ministry’s efforts to help media practitioners learn the latest technology and subsequently apply it in their duties.