KUANTAN: The Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) needs to play a more proactive role in instilling Qur’anic values in the Muslim community, says Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof.

Fadillah said there was no better way to develop Malaysia MADANI than by familiarising oneself with the Qur’an, and understanding the lessons and values it contains for use in everyday life.

He mentioned that the Qur’an contained numerous values that Muslims could learn and internalise through various exemplary stories, such as the story of Prophet Yusuf, which explains sustainable policies, the story of ‘Ashabul Kahfi’, which highlights the value of obedience, and the story of Prophet Daud, which demonstrates the parameters of justice.

“I often emphasise the importance of strengthening values, regardless of position, rank, socioeconomic background and so on. Everyone should have high self-esteem. The greatest values are those taught in the Qur’an.

“Events like this (Al-Qur’an Recitation and Memorisation Competition) are not just about reciting and memorising the Qur’an. More than that, the government aims to enhance the appreciation and cultivate the teachings of the Qur’an at the individual, family, community, and organisational levels,“ he said.