LANGKAWI: Malaysia’s ASEAN chairmanship for 2025 aims to answer the age-old question of “What’s in it for me?”

Malaysia has adopted a whole-of-nation approach that brings ASEAN meetings to various localities across the country, thus allowing local communities to play a direct role in the regional bloc’s activities.

Under the theme of “Inclusivity and Sustainability”, Malaysia is committed to making ASEAN more accessible and relatable to its citizens by engaging local businesses and communities in the process.

Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan said the Cabinet had decided that ASEAN meetings under Malaysia’s chairmanship should be held in various states across Malaysia.

“By bringing ASEAN meetings to various localities, we can get local players involved. They can be part of ASEAN events by supplying products/providing services for the meetings,” he said at the close of the ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ (AMM) Retreat in this legendary island.

The AMM Retreat is the first scheduled meeting in the annual ASEAN calendar at the ministerial level under Malaysia’s ASEAN Chairmanship for 2025.

Mohamad said that as part of this whole-of-nation approach agenda, the government has engaged locals to get them involved in certain aspects of the AMM Retreat, such as supplying local ingredients for delegates’ meals, souvenirs and conference equipment.

“ASEAN meetings/events will contribute to the socio-economic growth of the localities, as well as promote people’s sense of ownership of Malaysia’s ASEAN chairmanship. This will be a recurring practice throughout Malaysia’s chairmanship,” he said.

Beyond economic opportunities, the initiative aims to deepen public understanding of ASEAN’s role in the lives of ordinary citizens.

By engaging with local communities through these meetings, Malaysia hopes to highlight how ASEAN’s efforts in trade, education, tourism and sustainability benefit the wider population.

The move also underscores Malaysia’s belief that ASEAN’s strength lies in its inclusivity, ensuring all levels of society are involved in and benefit from regional integration.

The whole-of-nation approach reflects Malaysia’s broader vision for a sustainable and equitable ASEAN. By bringing ASEAN closer to the people, Malaysia hopes to set an example of how regional collaboration can foster local empowerment while promoting sustainable growth.

As the year progresses, Malaysians can look forward to ASEAN-related events that not only showcase the region’s potential but also open doors for local communities to connect with a broader audience, reinforcing the message that ASEAN truly belongs to its people.