KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has emphasised that Malaysia views its relations with China not merely in bilateral terms, but through a comprehensive strategic lens.

He believed that it is in Malaysia’s strategic interests to forge amity and cooperation with China, not against it.

“We make every effort to diplomatically engage China and integrate it into regional affairs, not because it is always straightforward, but because it is crucial for our shared future,” he said during the dinner in Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between Malaysia and China today.

He said the firm and robust trade relationship, as underscored by China being Malaysia’s largest trading partner for the past 15 years, demonstrates the profound depth and significance of the economic ties.

“As the Belt and Road Initiative catalyses the enhancement of international connectivity and cooperation, the ‘Two Countries, Twin Parks’ provides a tremendous economic boost particularly in Malaysia’s East Coast region,” he said.