PICTURE yourself in the heart of a vast and ancient jungle, surrounded by towering huge trees holding untold past secrets.

The air is thick with nature’s beauty and the sounds of wildlife create a melody of life. A faraway roar sends shivers down your spine, and this is a reminder of the regal presence of the tiger, known as the “king of the jungle”. However, this has become a rare scene these days.

Today, the sounds of devastation have drowned the echoes of this once-powerful dominion. This is the story of the tigers’ tale of struggle, resilience and hope in the face of an ongoing attack on their “homes”.

Alarming numbers

Recent research studies have revealed alarming statistics about the current state of tiger populations in the wild. These majestic animals were once abundant, with an estimated 100,000 tigers roaming the planet in the early 1900s. Only about 4,000 are currently found in the wild, indicating a sharp decline in their population.

Tigers are spread across just 13 countries, with India being home to most of them. India currently houses around 3,200 tigers, while other countries such as Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan are struggling to maintain viable tiger habitats.

The main causes of the decline in tiger numbers are widespread deforestation and poaching for illicit wildlife trade.

Forests are disappearing at an alarming rate as human populations increase and move into places that were formerly tiger habitats. This is leading to habitat loss for tigers and other wildlife, which in turn is driving down their populations.

Poaching for illegal wildlife trade is also a significant problem, with tiger parts being highly valued in some cultures for their supposed medicinal properties.

It is important to note that no scientific evidence supports the medicinal claims attributed to tiger parts. Still, this demand drives illegal poaching, putting tigers at even greater risk and pushing them further towards endangerment.

Captive tigers in the US represent a complex and concerning aspect of the global tiger conservation landscape. The US is estimated to have one of the largest populations of captive tigers worldwide, with approximately 10,000 tigers residing in various facilities, including zoos, sanctuaries, circuses and private ownership. These tigers come from different backgrounds, including breeding programmes, rescues from illegal wildlife trade and those previously kept as exotic pets.

While some accredited zoos and sanctuaries prioritise the well-being and conservation of their tigers, others face criticism for inadequate living conditions (in nature, a tiger needs a habitat/territory as big as 50 to 1,000km), improper care and the use of tigers for entertainment purposes. They are downgraded to selfie props rather than actual wildlife.

The issue of private ownership of tigers also presents challenges as the laws and regulations surrounding tiger ownership vary from state to state, resulting in a lack of uniform standards for their welfare.

Additionally, the presence of captive tigers poses potential risks to public safety. Regardless of being captive-born, tigers retain their wild instincts, and there have been instances of escapes or attacks in the past. These incidents highlight the importance of responsible ownership and management practices for captive tigers.

Global conservation efforts have intensified in response to the alarming decline of wild tiger populations. The Tiger Range Countries (TRCs) adopted a Global Tiger Recovery Programme together with organisations, such as the World Wildlife Fund and the Global Tiger Forum, which are spearheading ambitious conservation initiatives. These efforts aim to protect and connect tiger habitats, implement anti-poaching measures and engage local communities in tiger conservation.

The 13 TRCs had set a bold target known as “Tx2”, committing to doubling the global tiger numbers by 2022, and it was successfully achieved due to the political support, funding, collaboration and innovation given to tigers.

Furthermore, several countries have launched their conservation efforts to protect tigers and their habitats.

For example, India has implemented a successful programme called Project Tiger, which has helped increase the country’s tiger population from around 1,400 in 2006 to over 2,900 in 2019.

Under the project, tiger reserves are established in areas with high tiger density and suitable habitats. These reserves ensure the tigers have adequate prey, water and shelter. The reserves are also patrolled to prevent poaching and other illegal activities.

One of the key features of Project Tiger is community involvement. Local communities living around the tiger reserves are encouraged to participate in conservation efforts and to benefit from the presence of tigers.

Why protect tigers?

Conserving tiger populations and their habitats involves preserving large areas of intact wilderness. Protecting these habitats benefits countless other species that share the same ecosystem.

Moreover, forests act as rivers’ origin and absorb carbon dioxide, helping combat global warming, regulate water flow and offer clean water sources for wildlife and human communities.

By protecting tigers, these vital ecological functions that benefit the entire ecosystems and human civilisation can be safeguarded. Tigers are like protective umbrellas for all.

It is now up to us to script the next chapter in the tale of tigers. Let us embrace the challenge together, raise our voices and take bold strides toward securing a future where the tiger’s roar resounds through the forests, echoing triumphantly across the ages.

Let the journey to safeguard the kingdom of the tiger be etched in our hearts as we unite under the banner of conservation, guided by organisations such as BioDB, to secure a future where tigers can roam free, embodying the untamed spirit of nature’s true royalty.

We hold the key to turning the tide, rekindling hope and ensuring that the legacy of these awe-inspiring creatures endure and flourish in the wilderness they call home.

The writer is the founder and CEO of BioDB.com, a group tasked with collecting conservation data, raising awareness for biodiversity loss and fundraising. Comments: letters@thesundaily.com