RACIAL provocation and religious insults have been surfacing in the country lately, with several individuals making prejudicial statements that incite racial tension.

Historically, racial conflicts have often led to significant national crises, causing substantial losses to a country’s social and economic fabric.

While Malaysia is known for its harmonious multiracial society, unchecked racial provocation and religious insults can pose a serious threat to social stability and have severe economic repercussions.

The increasing frequency of such incidents has raised concerns among citizens and national leaders as these issues do not only endanger social harmony but also jeopardise Malaysia’s economic stability. If not effectively addressed, they could trigger a domino effect, harming all parties involved.

Case studies and international comparisons

History has shown that racial and religious tensions are not new to Malaysia. The May 13, 1969 tragedy remains a dark chapter in the nation’s history, where racial tensions escalated into riots, resulting in numerous casualties and significant property damage.

The incident was fuelled by economic and social disparities among ethnic groups, compounded by rising racial sentiments.

In response, a state of emergency was declared and curfews were imposed to restore order. The aftermath of this tragedy led to significant policy changes, including the introduction of the New Economic Policy in 1971, aimed at reducing economic disparities among ethnic groups and fostering long-term national unity.

Despite the lessons learned from this event and continuous efforts to strengthen national unity, racial and religious provocations persist in new forms.

In today’s digital age, social media has become the primary platform for disseminating racial sentiments and religious insults rapidly and widely.

Certain individuals or groups exploit this medium to incite hatred through provocative statements, fake news and extremist propaganda.

As a comparison, Singapore has implemented strict laws, such as the Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act, which empower the government to take swift action against individuals making extremist remarks.

Similarly, New Zealand introduced stringent measures to combat anti-Islam sentiments following the Christchurch mosque attacks in 2019.

Malaysia can learn from these countries in addressing provocation that threatens national harmony.

Social media – catalyst or destructive force?

In this digital era, social media serves as the main avenue for information dissemination. However, it also provides a platform for irresponsible individuals to spread racially charged and religiously offensive content.

Various provocative posts can be shared, fuelling anger and division among citizens. More alarmingly, evidence suggests that some parties intentionally use these strategies for political or economic gain. By intensifying racial sentiments, they seek to garner support from specific groups or divert public attention from pressing issues, such as poverty and inflation.

Firm actions

Recently, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission and the police have taken action against individuals accused of making racial and religiously offensive statements.

The communications minister has emphasised that the government will not tolerate any party attempting to disrupt national harmony.

However, the key question remains: How effective are these measures in curbing the growing problem? Without grassroots awareness, enforcement alone may not be sufficient.

Greater efforts are needed in education and public awareness to ensure that citizens are more discerning in evaluating and rejecting all forms of incitement.

Economic impact

A country’s economy depends on political and social stability. When a nation faces racial and religious tensions, the direct economic impact can be observed in several key areas:

Foreign investment and market confidence

Foreign investors prioritise political and social stability before committing to investments. Racial provocation and social unrest can erode investor confidence, leading to a decline in foreign direct investment. If such tensions persist, Malaysia risks losing its competitive edge as a preferred investment destination.

Increased business costs and risks

Rising social tensions can lead to higher security costs for businesses and public sectors. Companies may need to allocate additional budgets for asset and employee protection, consequently raising operational costs. This situation can place undue financial pressure on small and medium enterprises, which form the backbone of Malaysia’s economy.

Disruptions to tourism sector

The tourism industry is a key contributor to Malaysia’s economy. However, incidents related to racial and religious provocations can tarnish the country’s image as a safe and welcoming tourist destination. Should such unrest occur in Malaysia, the tourism sector – which generates billions in revenue annually – could suffer, impacting thousands of workers in the industry.

Public awareness

Racial provocation and religious insults are not merely social issues; they pose a serious threat to national stability and economic sustainability.

Therefore, all stakeholders, including the government, society and leaders, must play their roles in safeguarding Malaysia’s harmony.

As individuals, we must be more cautious when sharing information on social media and avoid being influenced by propaganda that seeks to divide communities.

Mutual respect among ethnic and religious groups should be strengthened in line with the values that form the foundation of national unity. The government must reinforce laws and expedite actions against those inciting racial and religious discord.

Simultaneously, education on the importance of unity and tolerance should be expanded in schools and higher education institutions to cultivate a more mature society in addressing differences.

We all share the responsibility of ensuring that Malaysia remains a peaceful, stable and prosperous nation.

Only through awareness and accountability can we counter the threats of racial provocation and religious insults for a brighter national future.

Dr Hafirda Akma Musaddad is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Business and Communication, Universiti Malaysia Perlis.

Comments: letters@thesundaily.com