I REFER to the letter “Masks add to financial burden” (theSun, Aug 3)

And we have another added burden by the water utility?

It is unfair that the rakyat is put to bear such burden. This must stop.

I ask why bill Selangor consumers for unused water?

If it is for water used, then we would have nothing to complain.

I am puzzled that even if the house is vacant, Air Selangor changes RM5 per month? How can they? Is this fair?

While I congratulate and thank Tenaga Nasional (TNB) for giving all households a generous discount on our electricity bills to lessen the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The move by TNB has really helped to lessen our financial burden during this trying period.

However, the same cannot be said of our water bills.

I ask that Air Selangor too give some rebates to water users to lessen consumers’ financial burden.

Abidah M
