IN Seremban there is a pedestrian crossing in front of a premier bank where it takes an eternity for its lights to stop traffic.

I have seen pedestrians at the crossing venting their frustration at the push button on either side of the road but to no avail.

It takes a long time for the lights to turn green for the pedestrians though it’s a one-way road.

And because of the delay, most pedestrians throw caution to the wind and cross the road.

Such crossings should be for the convenience of pedestrians. When a pedestrian pushes the stop button, the lights should turn green for him or her within a few seconds.

The pedestrian crossings in developed countries work well. The lights change promptly.

Sadly, in our country, even when the lights turn green for pedestrians, there will be instances of motorcyclists or other motorists making their way past pedestrians and zooming away.

And in worst-case scenarios pedestrians have been knocked down.

Malaysian road users know that even when the lights turn green for pedestrians, the pedestrian has to look left and right before moving forward.

The authorities need to reduce the waiting time at pedestrian crossings and enforce the law.

Motorists and motorcyclists need to change their mindsets and help to ensure the safety of pedestrians.

Samuel Yesuiah
