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It may look cool and edgy but there are drawbacks to this fashionable practice

BODY piercing has a long and rich history, with evidence of the practice found in ancient civilisations in Africa, Asia and Europe.

Today, body piercing remains popular across the globe, driven by fashion, self-expression and cultural identity. While it offers numerous benefits, body piercing also comes with several drawbacks.

Here, the pros and cons of body piercing are examined to provide a balanced view of this form of body modification.

Pros of body piercing

Self-expression and individuality

One of the primary reasons people choose to get piercings is for self-expression. Piercings allow individuals to showcase their personality, creativity and style. Whether it is a subtle ear piercing or a more daring septum ring, body piercings can convey a unique sense of identity and differentiate a person from others.

Cultural and spiritual significance

For many, body piercings carry deep cultural and spiritual meanings. In some cultures, piercings are rites of passage, symbols of status or elements of religious practice. For instance, in Hinduism, nose piercings are often associated with marriage and womanhood. Understanding and honouring these traditions can foster a sense of connection and continuity with one’s heritage.

$!Body piercings can range from earlobe piercings to more adventurous options like septum or navel.

Fashion and trends

Body piercings are a significant element of fashion and can enhance one’s appearance. With a variety of jewellery options available, piercings can be tailored to fit different styles and occasions. From elegant studs to bold hoops, piercings can complement and elevate an individual’s look.

Enhanced aesthetic appeal

Many people find body piercings aesthetically pleasing. Piercings can accentuate certain facial features, draw attention to particular areas, and add a touch of allure. For example, a well-placed lip piercing can highlight the mouth, while eyebrow piercings can add a striking edge to one’s appearance.

Boost in self-confidence

Achieving a desired look through piercings can significantly boost self-confidence. The act of choosing and undergoing a piercing can be empowering, providing a sense of control over one’s body and image. For many, the positive feedback received from peers further reinforces their confidence.

$!Proper aftercare is essential to prevent infections and ensure healing.

Cons of body piercings

Health risks and complications

Body piercings come with inherent health risks. These include infections, allergic reactions and scarring. If not done correctly or cared for properly, piercings can lead to serious medical issues. Infections can be particularly severe if they spread, requiring medical intervention and sometimes leading to permanent damage.

Pain and healing time

The process of getting pierced is often painful, and the level of pain can vary depending on the location and individual pain tolerance. Moreover, the healing time for piercings can be lengthy, ranging from a few weeks to several months. During this period, the piercing requires diligent care to avoid complications, which can be inconvenient and uncomfortable.

Workplace and social acceptance

Despite growing acceptance, body piercings can still face stigma in certain social and professional environments. Some employers have strict policies regarding visible piercings, which can affect job prospects and career advancement. Socially, individuals with piercings might encounter judgement or bias, impacting their interactions and relationships.

$!Piercings can be a way to showcase personal style and creativity.


Getting a piercing can be expensive, particularly if it involves specialised jewellery or if multiple piercings are desired. Additionally, high-quality aftercare products are necessary to ensure proper healing, adding to the overall cost. For those who regularly change their jewellery, the financial commitment can become significant.

Risk of regret

As with any body modification, there is a risk of regret. Tastes and preferences can change over time, and what seemed like a great idea initially might become undesirable. While some piercings can close up if jewellery is removed, others may leave permanent scars or require surgical removal, which can be costly and painful.

Interference with activities

Certain piercings can interfere with daily activities or sports. For example, oral piercings might affect eating and speaking, while body piercings can be problematic during physical exercise or contact sports. This interference can be a nuisance and might necessitate the temporary removal of jewellery, which can be inconvenient.

Body piercings offer a unique way to express individuality. However, they come with challenges. For those considering piercings, it is crucial to weigh these pros and cons carefully, conduct thorough research and seek professional, reputable piercers to minimise risks.

Ultimately, body piercings are a personal choice. With the right approach, they can be a safe and rewarding form of self-expression.