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A touching video has recently captured the hearts of many on Facebook, featuring a young autistic boy’s impressive creation: a miniature city built entirely with Lego.

The video, shared by the boy’s father, Suhaimi, has quickly gained popularity and praise from netizens.

Suhaimi’s post reveals the remarkable transformation of a room in their home into a vibrant “mini-city.”

“Uwais (the boy) has ‘Small City Town’,” the father wrote in his video.

“I built it to help with his imagination.”

His son’s detailed Lego city includes an array of structures such as an airport, a police station, a fire department, a car wash and a petrol station. The boy’s passion for building and creativity has been a source of joy and pride for his family.

“Every time we go out, my son insists on buying toys,” he said.

He shared that each toy has been meticulously arranged to create a vibrant cityscape, reflecting the boy’s younger brother’s aspiration to become a pilot.

“The city is now so crowded that I hope you can send us your blessings and prayers so I can expand this city for my son,” Suhaimi added.

The video has resonated deeply with viewers, who have inundated the post with positive comments, encouragement and support for the family’s creative endeavour.

“Okay, now we need to think about building a flyover to avoid traffic jams,” one user called Aidit Noh commented humorously.

“I hope the boy will suggest to his father to approve the funding to build a Smart tunnel or a bridge/flyover instead,” Firda Ashaary commented.

Juliana Johari wrote: “His idea is very clever; he’s great at arranging the toys.”