FINDING and securing a job is among the most difficult things to do during this pandemic. Therefore many, especially fresh graduates, have been working hard to obtain a job.

Unfortunately, hard work does not always pay off. One prospective job candidate, Mohammad Fahmi Zavawi, learned this the hard way.

According to his post which was shared on Linkedin, Fahmi had scored an interview with a company that was offering a high-level management position. Since there were only three applicants (including him), Fahmi assumed that there was a high possibility for him to land the job.

Hence, he was confident and hopeful, giving what he called “200% of effort to secure the position that provides me with good benefit.”

But little did he know, he was merely wasting his time and effort. The realisation came to him when he overheard the interviewers speaking in the toilet.

He recalled: “They talked about post-interview. I found out that one of the candidates was an ex-staff, the other was their current staff. At the same time, I was found that they called me only to ‘cukupkan syarat’ (fulfill requirements)”.

$!A screenshot of his Linkedin post.

He went on to disclose that the chosen candidate was an ex-staff member of the company. To make matters worse, the decision was made beforehand.

“I was clueless, and quiet disappointed. In the end, I have no regrets since I already did my best. But it was a waste of my effort and time.”

Fahmi then concluded his post, urging companies to put a stop to this practice as it badly affects interviewees, especially young graduates.

Kudos to Fahmi for speaking out on this issue! It is indeed unethical, not to mention cruel. So, we hope companies will stop these shady practices, and be more fair to candidates who are earnestly looking for a position.