Jenn Chia reveals why she has yet to collaborate with Uncle Roger

Popular content creator and founder of SoImJenn, Jenn Chia, voiced her hesitance to collaborate with Uncle Roger aka Nigel Ng in one of her live videos recently. Before anyone jumps to wild conclusions, she explained it’s because she’s shy to ask and it wasn’t due to any bad blood between them.

“I feel like if I collaborated with Uncle Roger, I’d feel like I’m gaining his followers and views, and I don’t want that. I want something that he can gain out of it or he finds it fun (to do). For me, I haven’t gotten any cool ideas or whatever yet, so I don’t dare to talk to him,” she said.

“I’m afraid that if I befriend them, will they think that I’m using them because of their followers...” she added. “If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen for the right reasons, not just for the sake of it,” her husband, Jon Liddel chimed in.

All this worry is stemmed from her previous experience when she rose in popularity for her work. She explained that some people only talk to her and be nice to her because they want something in return such as promoting their products. It wasn’t for genuine friendship but to use her influence as a public figure for their own gain.

“One time when I went to get my nails done, this person said hi to me and she was super friendly. I thought I made a new friend and I was so excited. The next day, she texted me to have lunch. The thing I knew – MLM,” recalled Jenn. “Since then I stopped making friends.”

“MLM is multi level marketing. So they basically try get you to be involved in a marketing scheme. If you make a sale, they’ll make a commission off you. So Jenn is a perfect example for someone to approach, because if Jenn promotes it, a lot of people might buy the product. The person then earns a commission from that,” said Jon.

“I don’t know if they want something from me. I have this bloody trust issues, like okay wait, this person is getting close to me, is it because you want something from me? When I only had 1000 or 2000 followers, these people wouldn’t even talk or reply to me,” said Jenn. “So when I opened up my heart *Jeng*, this motherchibs, she tries to involve me in MLM.”

Nevertheless, here’s to hoping both Jenn Chia and Uncle Roger will have a comedic skit soon and become genuine friends along the way!