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MALAYSIANS have been warned time and time again on the dangers of floodwaters and even more so with children as it can pose unnecessary health and safety risks.

A TikTok video by @safwapasirtumboh posted a reminder to families currently stuck in the floods to avoid letting their children play in floodwaters after an infant was admitted for bleeding diapers.

It was said that the toddler had played in the floodwaters without wearing her diapers.

The one-year-old child was admitted to the Safwa Pasir Tumboh Clinic’s emergency ward after she was found bleeding from her private parts.

“Just in one day, (we) found her diapers full of blood while changing two to four times,” the caption in the video read.

ALSO READ: Floodwater carries serious health risks, says specialist

However, the doctor did not find any cuts or wounds in the infant’s private region.

Things only got worse after a scan revealed that a leech was attached to the poor girl’s bladder.

Fortunately, the leech was successfully removed from the infant’s bladder through the “bladder flushing” procedure, with salt water to “weaken” out the leech.

Several netizens expressed their horror at the child’s fate and agreed that children should always avoid playing in floodwaters seeing the risks it can pose on their health and safety.