Essential tips for maintaining healthy and beautiful nails

TAKING care of your nails is not only a matter of aesthetics upkeep but also plays a crucial role in maintaining overall hand hygiene and health. Just like caring for your skin and hair, proper nail care involves a combination of regular maintenance and healthy habits to ensure strong, beautiful nails.

Whether you are aiming for a polished look with nail polish or prefer a natural appearance, understanding the fundamentals of nail care is essential. From basic hygiene practices to nourishing treatments, each step contributes to keeping your nails in optimal condition. Here is a guide on the proper way to care for your nail.

Keep them clean and dry

Proper nail care starts with cleanliness. Wash your hands regularly with a gentle soap and dry them thoroughly, especially around and under the nails. This helps prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi that can lead to infections.

Trim and shape regularly

Trim your nails straight across using sharp nail scissors or clippers. Avoid cutting them too short as this can increase the risk of ingrown nails. Use a nail file to gently shape the edges, smoothing any rough spots to prevent snagging.

$!Regular nail care practices help prevent common nail problem ensuring long-term nail health.

Moisturise hands and nails

Hydration is key to healthy nails. Apply a moisturiser to your hands and nails after washing to prevent dryness and brittleness. Choose a moisturiser that contains ingredients like shea butter or almond oil, which nourish the nails and cuticles.

Do not forget the cuticles

Gently push back your cuticles using a cuticle stick or a soft towel after showering when they are softer. Avoid cutting your cuticles as this can lead to infections. Keeping them moisturised helps maintain their health and appearance.

Use nail polish wisely

If you use nail polish, opt for brands that are free of harsh chemicals such as formaldehyde and toluene, which can weaken nails over time. Apply a base coat to protect your nails, followed by two thin layers of polish, and finish with a top coat for shine and durability.

Protect your nails

Wear gloves when doing household chores or working with chemicals to protect your nails from damage and drying out. Exposure to harsh chemicals can weaken nails, causing them to become brittle.

$!Well-maintained nails contribute to a polished and professional appearance.

Maintain a healthy diet

What you eat affects the health of your nails. Include foods rich in vitamins and minerals such as biotin (found in eggs and nuts), zinc (found in seafood and whole grains) and omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish and flaxseeds), which promote nail strength and growth.

Avoid nail biting and picking

Resist the urge to bite or pick at your nails as this can damage the nail bed and lead to infections. If you have a habit of biting your nails, try using a bitter-tasting nail polish designed to deter nail biting.

Give your nails a break

Occasionally, give your nails a break from polish and let them breathe. This helps prevent discolouration, allowing them to regain their natural strength and shine.

Monitor nail health

Pay attention to changes in your nails such as discoloration, ridges or swelling around the nail bed. These could be signs of underlying health issues or infections that may require medical attention.

By following these tips for proper nail care, you can maintain healthy, strong nails that enhance your overall hand hygiene and appearance. Regular care and attention will keep your nails looking their best, reducing the risk of common nail problems.