ROOM walls that are painted black in Malaysia are few and far between. Entirely black rooms are even less likely in our sultry climate.

The choice to not go this way in interior design makes sense, as a tropical Southeast Asian country, Malaysia can get really hot.

One of the most basic principles of thermodynamics is that black absorbs light and the absorbed energy is converted to heat.

The exact opposite occurs with white, where light is reflected.

This is part of the reason a sizeable portion of rooms are painted white, especially in Malaysia.

So, is it a far-fetched idea to opt to paint a wall, or a room in your living quarters, black?

Yes, and no. It largely depends on how much thought and planning is put into it. Randomly hiring a paint crew to throw black paint all over your walls without any forethought would be ill-advised.

Here are some things to consider before making the leap.

$!Make sure to have plenty of or enough light sources. – PICTURE COURTESY OF KJPARGETERON FREEPIK.COM

1. Try one first

If in doubt, choose to paint one face first. This can be just a wall, or even the ceiling, while leaving the other walls in their original colour.

Doing this paints a picture of how the room would look entirely black, while also providing an illusion of spaciousness.

This goes a long way in helping to decide whether going all-black next would be a good idea.

2. Light, light and more light

Another aspect to consider is lighting.

Rooms that are painted bright do not have a problem with lighting, because natural and artificial light are easily reflected and dispersed. Rooms painted black are the exact opposite.

A badly lit room will appear like a cave, regardless of what time of the day it is. If that is what you are going for, lighting is not something to worry about. But for the average person, they will be going for the aesthetics and not trying to simulate a cave environment.

The room that you want to paint black should have enough windows to bring in natural light during the day. For night time, be prepared to install high wattage lights on the ceiling and walls, preferably with dim lights for a cosy feeling.

$!Try to avoid using hard-to-see dark furniture. – PICTURE COURTESY OF FREEPIK.COM

3. Cooling shades

Although technically not a colour, there are different shades of black. As such, there are two kinds of black paints, cool black and warm black. These usually come with different undertones.

Again, we are in Malaysia, so you will want to go with cool black paints that have cooler undertones to help diminish the absorption of heat.

Then, there are paint primers. For the sake of keeping this article simple, it is best to discuss these with a painting contractor.

4. Contrasts

Just as important as any of the above, furniture plays a crucial role in rooms painted black.

Remember, it is imperative that homeowners do as much as possible to break up the black and create contrast. For instance, cream-coloured furniture against black walls creates a classy, slightly opulent look.

On the other hand, dark, or worse, furniture that is just as black as the room, obfuscates visibility and depth perception.

In other words, expect to be knocking toes, shins and knees against black furniture in a black room a lot more than usual.

5. Splurge

For those who do not have to worry about electricity bills, black rooms in Malaysia will also greatly benefit from air-conditioners. Otherwise, just make sure there are enough windows.

$!Remember to create appropriate contrast between the black paint, light and furniture. – PICTURE COURTESY OF ANNE NYGÅRD ON UNSPLASH