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Actress and content creator Michelle Leong aims to reach greater heights

UPON her first role in a 30-minute student film, Michelle Leong discovered her passion for acting and film. Prior to the experience, she had only starred in commercials as a talent and videos for her own YouTube channel.

“I kick-started my YouTube channel after I graduated from high school. I had high aspirations to express my opinions and thoughts on mass media,” she said.

“This led me to create my first video on the channel, that talked about society’s expectations and skewed perception of beauty. Even before becoming an actor and content creator, I had a passion for storytelling.”

The student project, which premiered in her college, landed her roles with prominent local filmmakers like JinnyboyTV and Dan Khoo productions. She later made her film debut in Malaysia’s first short form original series, Cupid Co on Iflix. Directed by Macam Yes Studios, the six-part series saw her starring as the love interest in the sci-fi film.

How was it like filming the series? Was it similar to acting in YouTube videos and commercials?

Compared to YouTube videos, the direction of commercials and film series is a whole new level. Acting for YouTube videos is more relaxed and laid back, whereas commercials and film are often pressed for time as more people are involved and there is more script to be rehearsed. Cupid Co gave me the opportunity to hone my craft more passionately like never before and I’ll never forget the lessons that it has taught me for future gigs.

How do you usually prepare for your roles? Do you get nervous at auditions?

If I said I don’t get anxious before auditions or when the camera rolls, I’d be lying! To prevent that, I’d make sure to make time to be completely relaxed and to study my roles. I’d rehearse my lines or drink a cup of tea before filming. Being in a clear state of mind helps me to feel confident and at ease.

Have there been memorable moments on set?

One of the most challenging yet memorable moments that I’ve had on set was performing a stunt. It was a scene where I was shot with a gun that jerked my body backwards. Although there was a stunt professional on set, I was determined to try it out for myself. In the end, I had a slight neck pain from the whiplash but I have no regrets! I can proudly say that I’ve performed a stunt!

Could you describe your creative process?

I am often inspired by everything and everyone around me, from the little things to the memorable milestones in my life. It could be as simple as conversations with my friends, watching the birds in the sky or being inspired by people’s life stories and struggles.

My creative process begins by paying 100% attention to my surroundings, and scenarios will instantly start playing in my head as if I’m watching a movie right before my eyes. Then, I’ll make sure to jot down those ideas in my notes, and I will hash the details out on a document to further tweak and analyse what I can do to execute this vision.

Has the pandemic disrupted any of your plans?

I believe the pandemic has affected not only me and local performers, but everyone. I’ve made plans which involve social interaction by being outdoors, but I’m not sure if I will have the chance to do that safely now. I hope for everyone to be vaccinated and for the economy to pick up as soon as possible.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

I don’t know what the future might bring, but I would love to be part of the film and music industry as that is where my heart belongs. In five years, you might find me on my balcony, listening to neo-jazz and giving cuddles to my cats.