Overcommitting yourself is one of the fastest ways you can destroy your health and success

NOT good. This can be better. These are just a handful of the self-talk we begin to tell ourselves when we are overcommitted, exhausted, and not obtaining the life we desire. We are doing too much for other people, which prevents us from achieving our goals.

It’s time to take charge of your life and stop the cycle of overcommitting yourself. You can break this old habit, end the worry and overwhelm you have been feeling, and start enjoying life on your terms by committing to yourself first and putting the advice below into practise.

$!Taking on too much can be overwhelming ... it is okay to take a step back.

Do not be hesitant to cancel

If you have to cancel anything because of a conflict between business or personal obligations, don’t hesitate to do so. Inform the person you committed to by phone call or email that you are unable to keep your promise to them. You will want to delay doing this.

That makes sense that way. The earlier you phone or send the email, the better. The discomfort to the other individual increases with the length of your wait. You will benefit in the long term if cancelling enables you to reclaim control over your time. It’s also important to consider that the other person could benefit. After all, you will likely do poorly at whatever you committed yourself to if you are feeling overcommitted and worried.

Be aware of your limitations

You can never manage your time efficiently if you don’t know your efficiency rate, as well as what you have already promised to. Create a tenable calendar. Making a strategic calendar can help you to better organise your workload and determine how much time you have for work. Once you have committed to serving in this position, you will need to either decline new work or rework existing commitments to make room for it.

$!Those who have acquired tendencies of perfectionism frequently overcommit.

Talk to someone

It’s okay to get a second opinion from a third party if you are unsure if you can accept another commitment. Sometimes all it takes to clarify your response in your mind is to just talk about something while being aware that someone is paying attention to your ideas and confirming your experiences. It’s also completely fine to learn declining a commitment with a friend so that you are more ready to say no later to someone else in the future.

Make rest time top priority

Today, we prioritise getting more things done in a day above relaxing. Humans are not really robots, though. The key to greater health and decision-making is to get enough sleep. Be sure to schedule the time you require for regular relaxation before accepting new obligations. This guarantees that you can fulfill the tasks that you’ve decided are crucial to your aims, objectives, and final achievement your entire attention.

$!Being drained from having too much going on at the same time is counter productive to a happy life.

Create a weekly plan

You will accomplish more if you start each week with a strategy for how you will use your time. The simplest method to maintain organisation and focus is to create a schedule. To somehow get your to-do list onto your calendar, set aside at least one hour each week. Pay close attention to your schedule, noting what functions and what doesn’t, and change your strategy the next week. Practice this skill frequently.

Set limitations

Work on setting boundaries by recognising when you are going to prioritise the demands of another person over your own, and by expressing your reluctance to do something.

Having this understanding is crucial when setting boundaries. Knowing our boundaries will help us decide whether to commit to something and when not to. Don’t go into much detail.

It’s fine to make your response brief and straightforward because they simply need to know whether you can or cannot accomplish anything. Focus on being straightforward and direct while eliminating any chance that you might do that thing later rather than listing all the reasons why you are unable to assist at this time.

It might be challenging to manage a schedule that is overly full. Observing your actions in light of your objectives can enable you to obtain useful abilities that will help in your trustworthiness and balance-maintaining efforts.