MOSCOW: A cybersecurity exercise has been held by the European Parliament’s services, the European Commission and the EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) to test preparedness for the upcoming 2024 elections, reported Sputnik, quoting the institutions.

“To evaluate and strengthen current working methods ahead of the 2024 elections, EU institutions have today organised a cybersecurity exercise. National and EU partners tested their crisis plans and possible responses to potential cybersecurity incidents affecting the European elections,“ the institutions said in a statement on Tuesday.

The drill was held in the European Parliament and was attended by representatives from national electoral and cybersecurity authorities, along with observers from various EU bodies. It was aimed at improving the participants’ capacity to respond to cybersecurity incidents and to refresh the existing protocols on the cybersecurity of technology used during the election process, the statement added.

The EU election system could face risks ranging from “information manipulation and disinformation to cyber-attacks that compromise infrastructures,“ the statement read.

The European Parliament election is scheduled to take place from June 6-9, 2024. - Bernama, Sputnik