NEW YORK: UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Tor Wennesland, has called for the establishment of political and security frameworks to address the humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip, Emirates News Agency (WAM) reported.

In a briefing on the Secretary-General’s Report on the Situation in the Middle East and the implementation of UNSCR 2334, he expressed his ‘grave concern over the growing risk of a wide-scale regional escalation.

“The series of explosions across Lebanon and rockets fired toward Israel in recent days adds to the volatility. I call on all sides to refrain from actions that could further exacerbate the situation and to take immediate steps to de-escalate,” he said.

To meet the challenges ahead, he said, political and security frameworks must be established that “can address the humanitarian catastrophe, start early recovery, rebuild Gaza, and lay the groundwork for a political process to end the occupation and establish a two-state solution.

“These frameworks must facilitate a legitimate Palestinian government that can re-unify Gaza and the occupied West Bank politically, economically and administratively while reversing the steadily deteriorating dynamics in the occupied West Bank.

“Palestinian unity is an essential building block to a just and lasting peace. Israeli measures that undermine the PA must be urgently addressed. The Government of Palestine will require significant support from the international community to advance these objectives,” he said.

He concluded by reaffirming the necessity that any progress toward peace “must address and fully realise the fundamental and legitimate right of Palestinians to self-determination and sovereignty over the entirety of the Occupied Palestinian Territory. It must also address Israel’s legitimate security concerns.”

- Bernama, WAM