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HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 5 July 2024 - Today, IX Asia Indexes announced the 1st Half 2024 Review of the IX Digital Asset Industry Classification System (”DAICS®”), aiming to provide the professionals worldwide with a transparent and standardized classification scheme to determine sector and exposure of particular digital assets. DAICS® classifies digital assets into 2 main categories: a) Cryptocurrencies and b) Asset Backed Tokens and a 3-tier system for each category. For Cryptocurrencies: 1-Industry/ 2-Sector/ 3-Sub-sector; for Asset Backed Tokens: 1-Asset Type/ 2-Branch/ 3-Sub-branch (Appendix 1). The results are as follows:

a) Cryptocurrencies

i) Structure and definitions

Tier 1: Industry Changes

The industry groups remain unchanged with 5 industries.

1) Payment (110),

2) Infrastructure (120),

3) Financial services (130),

4) Tech & Data (140) and

5) Media & Entertainment (150).

Tier 2: Sector Changes

The number of sectors remain unchanged with 16 sectors. There is modification in Sector name under Media & Entertainment (150)/ Social Media & Community Sector. The definition of Social Community sector remains unchanged.

Modification in sector name.


Social Media (15010)


Social Media & Community (15010)

ii) Classification Changes

VeChain (VET)


Industry: Tech & Data (140)

Sector: Storage & Sharing (14010)


Industry: Infrastructure (120)

Sector: Application Development Protocol & Smart Contract (12010)

iii) Green coins label

There are 9 Greens coins in this review:

$!Results of the IX Digital Asset Industry Classification System (”DAICS®”) 2024 1H Review

iv) Coverage of DAICS®

DAICS® coin coverage: top 50 coins by market capitalization

DAICS® market capitalization coverage: 87.493%*

The % coverage of market capitalization of the 50th ranked coin: 0.092%

Member changes within the TOP 50 coins in DAICS® : 6 coins in and 7 coins out

(For more details about the industry weighting and the 6 changes, please see Appendix 4).

*As of 22nd May 2024, based on past 90 days market capitalization ranking including all coins* (exclude stable coins and pure DAO governance tokens)

Note: G as ‘Green’ labelling for cryptocurrencies that adhere to the principles of sustainability

* * (For details on Industry & Sector definitions under DAICS®, please refer to Appendix 2 & 3)

b) Asset Backed Tokens (ABT)

i) Structure and definitions

Tier 1: Asset Types Changes

The asset types remain unchanged at 6

1) Culture (205),

2) Real Estate (215),

3) Financials (235),

4) Entertainment (255),

5) Natural Resources (265), and

6) Green Economy (275).

Tier 2: Branch Changes

The branches remain unchanged at 31.

(For details on Asset types and Branches, please refer to Appendix 3).

ii) Classification Changes


iii) Coverage of DAICS®

IX Asia Indexes has not started to classify any ABT. ABTs will be added to DAICS® in the next stage when a fair amount of popular asset-backed tokens are available in the market. A new ABT registry will be made available to the public. Although there has been an increase in the number of ABTs, ABTs only comprised 0.106% of the total market capitalization of digital assets. A classification summary and definition table are available at Appendix 5 & 6.

For further information regarding the methodology of the DAICS®, please refer to the “IX Digital Asset Industry Classification System”- principle and guiding methodology on the company website

All classification changes including the ixCrypto Infrastructure Index and ixCrypto Stablecoin index will take effect on 19th July, 2024.

For more details on our DAICS® qualification criteria, please email

For a full version of the appendixes 1-3, please refer to ix-index official website.

$!Results of the IX Digital Asset Industry Classification System (”DAICS®”) 2024 1H Review