HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 5 July 2024 - Today, IX Asia Indexes announced the 1st Half 2024 Review of the IX Digital Asset Industry Classification System (”DAICS®”), aiming to provide the professionals worldwide with a transparent and standardized classification scheme to determine sector and exposure of particular digital assets. DAICS® classifies digital assets into 2 main categories: a) Cryptocurrencies and b) Asset Backed Tokens and a 3-tier system for each category. For Cryptocurrencies: 1-Industry/ 2-Sector/ 3-Sub-sector; for Asset Backed Tokens: 1-Asset Type/ 2-Branch/ 3-Sub-branch (Appendix 1). The results are as follows:
a) Cryptocurrencies
i) Structure and definitions
Tier 1: Industry Changes
The industry groups remain unchanged with 5 industries.
1) Payment (110),
2) Infrastructure (120),
3) Financial services (130),
4) Tech & Data (140) and
5) Media & Entertainment (150).
Tier 2: Sector Changes
The number of sectors remain unchanged with 16 sectors. There is modification in Sector name under Media & Entertainment (150)/ Social Media & Community Sector. The definition of Social Community sector remains unchanged.
Modification in sector name.
Social Media (15010)
Social Media & Community (15010)
ii) Classification Changes
VeChain (VET)
Industry: Tech & Data (140)
Sector: Storage & Sharing (14010)
Industry: Infrastructure (120)
Sector: Application Development Protocol & Smart Contract (12010)
iii) Green coins label
There are 9 Greens coins in this review:

iv) Coverage of DAICS®
DAICS® coin coverage: top 50 coins by market capitalization
DAICS® market capitalization coverage: 87.493%*
The % coverage of market capitalization of the 50th ranked coin: 0.092%
Member changes within the TOP 50 coins in DAICS® : 6 coins in and 7 coins out
(For more details about the industry weighting and the 6 changes, please see Appendix 4).
*As of 22nd May 2024, based on past 90 days market capitalization ranking including all coins* (exclude stable coins and pure DAO governance tokens)
Note: G as ‘Green’ labelling for cryptocurrencies that adhere to the principles of sustainability
* * (For details on Industry & Sector definitions under DAICS®, please refer to Appendix 2 & 3)
b) Asset Backed Tokens (ABT)
i) Structure and definitions
Tier 1: Asset Types Changes
The asset types remain unchanged at 6
1) Culture (205),
2) Real Estate (215),
3) Financials (235),
4) Entertainment (255),
5) Natural Resources (265), and
6) Green Economy (275).
Tier 2: Branch Changes
The branches remain unchanged at 31.
(For details on Asset types and Branches, please refer to Appendix 3).
ii) Classification Changes
iii) Coverage of DAICS®
IX Asia Indexes has not started to classify any ABT. ABTs will be added to DAICS® in the next stage when a fair amount of popular asset-backed tokens are available in the market. A new ABT registry will be made available to the public. Although there has been an increase in the number of ABTs, ABTs only comprised 0.106% of the total market capitalization of digital assets. A classification summary and definition table are available at Appendix 5 & 6.
For further information regarding the methodology of the DAICS®, please refer to the “IX Digital Asset Industry Classification System”- principle and guiding methodology on the company website https://ix-index.com/daics.html.
All classification changes including the ixCrypto Infrastructure Index and ixCrypto Stablecoin index will take effect on 19th July, 2024.
For more details on our DAICS® qualification criteria, please email daics@ix-index.com.
For a full version of the appendixes 1-3, please refer to ix-index official website.