This week, SunBiz sits down with Pos Malaysia Bhd group CEO Charles Brewer as he shares his thoughts and view with us

How has your life experience made you the leader you are today?

I have had an amazing career to date – one that has taken me to more than 120 countries and presented unfathomable opportunities to witness “life”. These opportunities included stints in Africa, the Americas, the Middle East, Europe, and, of course, the Asia Pacific region and Malaysia. These experiences, coupled with an incredible and mostly enjoyable life journey with my family, have helped shape the person I am today.

Being pushed, sometimes voluntarily, into areas outside of my comfort zone, stretching my skills, and challenging my abilities has moulded me into a resilient, passionate, and energetic leader. The strength and experiences gained from these challenges are resources I regularly draw upon to deliver results.

What traits do you look for in your talent or how do you decide who is right for a job?

I am frequently asked whether I prioritise content or attitude. It is not a matter of right or wrong, but personally, I tend to seek individuals with a high emotional quotient. I look for people who hold strong personal values and exhibit qualities such as dependability, trustworthiness, curiosity, positivity, flexibility, and energised communication. These are the traits of authentic individuals – people I would genuinely consider working alongside.

How do you think the industry you are in will evolve in the future?

First and foremost, I must emphasise my genuine passion for the logistics sector. We play a pivotal role in connecting lives and businesses for a better tomorrow. The Post and Parcel industry has undergone substantial transformation in the past three decades, and this trend has accelerated significantly in recent years.

The landscape continues to evolve rapidly, with growing customer and employee expectations. Consequently, I anticipate that the upcoming years will bring even more profound changes – an influx of competitors, elevated customer demands, and most critically, employees who will continue to demand more from their employers.

We all know about the industrial revolution, are we in for a technological revolution? Your thoughts.

We are already in that revolution. If you look at, and as an example the digital transformation that is occurring across industries, with the accelerated use of AI, AR, RPA, robotics, etc, we will see a vastly different and more digital landscape going forward. The rate of change and innovation will only accelerate.

What do you want to accomplish in the next five years?

Professionally, being fully focused on Pos Malaysia’s amazing and exciting transformation which to date is going really well and it excites me as I think about who we will become over the next five years.

Personally, my daughter (Ella) and son (Henry) are growing up fast, and my focus extends beyond preparing them for their future. I am acutely focused on ensuring that they receive the best learning opportunities, which will serve as the foundation for a fulfilling and joyful life ahead.

How do you stay abreast of issues affecting your industry?

Read. I read a lot, not necessarily books, but I love to read short articles and very often on LinkedIn.

If you could have an hour with any thought leader in the world, who would it be and why?

No one in particular. I love diversity and love to learn from as many as possible – from the chairman of Pos Malaysia’s board, through to the government, business leaders, parents and friends – you can always and should look to learn every day.

Malaysia’s greatest brand.

Pos Malaysia, of course!

How do you expect policies on climate change to impact businesses in the future?

Sustainability, I genuinely hope, will become more relevant and important – just take a look at the global events that occurred in July this year – torrential rains in Asia and Europe, wild fires in Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Canada, etc, record heatwaves and temperatures in the Americas, Asia and Europe – we really have to take this seriously and stop talking and start doing.

For Pos Malaysia we have embarked and communicated our sustainability goals to be net zero by 2050 covering 6 key initiatives:

> Delivery Methods

> Fleet Optimisation

> Green Buildings

> Waste Management

> Eco Consumerism

> Digital Learning & Future Skilling

We are committed to a 30% reduction in our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 2025, with aspirations to achieve net zero carbon by 2050.

Currently, we have 55 electric bikes on the road, and by 2025, 28% of the entire fleet will be electric (bikes and vans), and 100% by 2030. We have also added solar panels to three facilities, which are capable of generating an estimated 3 million kWh electricity annually. By end-2023, we will have an additional 14 solar PV locations will bring total renewable energy mix to 13.26%. Our plan is to have another 19 units in 2024, and by 2025, a total of 150 units.