8 simple tips for healthy teeth and gums

This article is first published in theSun Buzz World Oral Health Day edition HERE

Everyone wants to have a good smile and avoid bad breath. Achieving all that isn’t difficult and it all starts from home.

Here are some tips for oral hygiene and health that will have you smiling from ear to ear in no time at all!

1. Use the right toothbrush

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a hard and big toothbrush to clean your teeth. A toothbrush with a hard bristle may actually damage your teeth and gums more than you know. Try a soft-bristled brush that’s small enough to manoeuvre comfortably all-around your mouth with a handle that’s easy to grip.

A soft-bristled brush is more than capable to remove bacterial plaque without wounding your mouth. Most importantly, don’t forget to change your toothbrush every three months on average to ensure healthy teeth and gums.

2. Only brush twice a day and never more

$!8 simple tips for healthy teeth and gums

Does brushing the teeth more than twice a day beneficial? The short answer is no. We just need to brush our teeth when we wake up in the morning and before we go to bed.

Brushing too often can cause gum recession and the abrasion can cause damage to the root surfaces of the teeth. The exposed roots may cause sensitivity and increase the risk of tooth decay.

To ensure your teeth are cleaned well, a gentler brushing for about two minutes is preferred.

3. Flossing is often forgotten but crucial

The idea of flossing is scary for some but with the right technique; you’ll have healthy teeth and gums for a long time. Flossing helps to remove plaque and tartar in between each tooth to prevent gum disease and tooth decay. Removing plaque and tartar via flossing also helps to prevent bad breath.

Using a toothpick can be helpful but not as effective. If you’re still not convinced to floss, a study done in 2010 found that nine out of 10 Malaysian adults have some form of gum disease!

4. Lessen your sugar intake

Whether we know it or not, we consume a lot of sugar daily and these little particles get stuck in between our teeth. Left long enough and without proper cleaning, it can cause tooth decay (cavities) and rot. This happens when oral bacteria consume the sugary food source and release acids that attack the teeth.

5. Make sure it’s a fluoride toothpaste

Scientific research has shown that fluoride is effective in preventing cavities and repairing the tooth enamel. Hence, it’s important to use toothpaste with fluoride in it. Fluoride is a naturally occurring element that is perfectly safe when used as directed.

This is also why we should only use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste when we brush our teeth. For kids younger than the age of 3, just a smear on the brush will do. Children ages 3 to 6 should stick to a pea-sized amount like the adults.

6. Check your mouth

After brushing your teeth, run your tongue all over your gums and teeth and make sure there are no lumps and bumps. Also, we should take note of whether there is any bleeding, sensitivity, pain, sores, lumps or any other signs or symptoms that are not normal. If you feel something doesn’t look right, please make an appointment with your dentist to be safe.

7. Know how long to gargle with a mouthwash

If you’re still not confident with the cleanliness of your teeth after brushing and flossing, mouthwash is a good supplement. Although it helps to further clean your teeth and mouth, it’s not a substitute for both brushing and flossing.

To use the mouthwash right, we should swish or gargle for 30 to 60 seconds. To get the most benefits for teeth protection, avoid eating, drinking or smoking for at least 30 minutes so the fluoride doesn’t get washed away.

8. Drink enough water

It’s important to keep the mouth moist. This is because the saliva in our mouths can help buffer acids from food, aids with digestion, fight germs and protecting the teeth from decay. When the mouth is too dry, it can increase the accumulation of plaque which will increase your risk of gum disease and tooth decay.

Beware of fake dentists

Last but not least, find out why you should never seek out a fake dentist for cheaper treatments as explained by a licensed dentist HERE. Also, check out 8 simple ways to better care for your oral health at home HERE