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KUALA LUMPUR: The police have reopened an investigation paper on the alleged re-emergence of the ‘Lanun Merah Black Maria 360’ gang, which is believed to be involved in criminal activities such as dumping of rubbish and toxic waste, drug distribution and smuggling of illegal immigrants around Klang.

Deputy Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani said he had instructed the Bukit Aman Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and Selangor Police chief Datuk Arjunaidi Mohamed to resume investigations into the allegations.

“The matter (about the gang) had come up previously, and the police, through the CID, had conducted a detailed investigation where we found that it did not exist.

“However, as the matter has once again been raised, I have ordered for it to be re-investigated,“ he told the media after the presentation of the Royal Malaysia Police 2020 Outstanding Service Award at the Senior Officers’ Mess in Bukit Aman here, today.

On April 4, the media reported that the gang had no less than 500 members, and was among the organised crime syndicates controlling various criminal activities in the Klang area.

Acryl Sani said the CID would set up a special team to investigate the gang which is said to be active since 2013, and believed to be masterminded by a senior female police officer.

In a separate development, he said the police would do their best to minimise interstate travel by the public ahead of the fasting month.

“The police is following the instructions of the National Security Council in this regard (interstate travel) and we do not want the re-emergence of ‘balik kampung’ (return to home town) clusters and so on to come up this Ramadan,“ he said.

Meanwhile, Acryl Sani said the police were currently tracking down the owner of a Facebook account in which a report was uploaded claiming that a policeman in Perak had died as a result of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.

“The investigation paper has been name was identified to have spread the matter, and we are still tracking the individual’s whereabouts.

Earlier, Acryl Sani presented the RMP 2020 Outstanding Service Award (OSA) certificates to 12 senior officers, including Bukit Aman Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department director Datuk Zainal Abidin Kasim and Johor Police chief Datuk Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay.

A total of 10,137 personnel comprising senior police officers, junior police officers and general police officers nationwide received the PDRM OSA certificates as well as National Education Savings Scheme (SSPN-i) certificates from the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN). — Bernama