KOTA BHARU: Action has been taken against 13 petrol stations in Kelantan, especially in the border area, after they were found to be in cahoots with fuel smuggling activities from January until yesterday (May 12).

The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living (KPDN) Kelantan branch director Azman Ismail said that was almost double compared to just seven cases for the whole of 2023.

“All these petrol stations were investigated under the Control of Supplies Act 1961, involving offences like allowing customers to fill up petrol in tanks without valid permission and selling more than the permitted quantity.

“The KPDN also detained 109 smugglers under the same act this year, with most of them being fuel smugglers,” he said in a statement today.

He said that, so far, 147 vehicles have been confiscated, including a foreign vehicle, with the total seizure valued at RM2.7 million.

“The KPDN will cooperate with all relevant agencies in combating the smuggling of subsidised goods, including petrol, because we also face personnel constraints at the state’s borders,” he said.