PETALING JAYA: A bulldozer driver in Kelantan was charged in the Kota Bharu Sessions Court today of sexually assaulting a teenage girl back in March.

Muhamad Shafiq Aiman Ismail, 24, pled not guilty and requested for the case to be brought to trial after the charges were read in front of Sessions judge Zulkifli Abllah, Harian Metro reported.

The accused allegedly raped the 13-year 10-month-old girl at a homestay in Kota Bharu at 10pm on March 22, according to the charges read.

ALSO READ: Father pleads guilty to rape, outraging modesty of teenage daugther

The prosecution team was represented by deputy public prosecutor (DPP) Ahmad Faiz Fitri Mohamad while Shafiq was represented by Muhammad Zaem Ab Aziz.

The prosecution did not recommend bail for the accused however the defense said that Shafiq had no past criminal records and was not in a relationship with the victim.

The court eventually allowed the accused to be released on a RM10,000 bail with a surety and is instructed not to contact the victim or the prosecution’s witness. He also must report himself to a nearby police station every four months.

The re-mention of the case was set to August 4 by the court.

ALSO READ: Police uncover suspected rape involving teen driver while investigating fatal crash