PETALING JAYA: Both Malaysia and Singapore’s police force crippled an organised crime syndicate involved in illegal remote betting operations, following the arrest of 43 suspects aged between 34 and 82.

According to a statement by the Singapore Police Force (SPF), nine of the suspects will face charges on July 2 under the island republic’s Gambling Control Act, while investigations into the remaining detainees are ongoing.

The joint operation conducted from June 30 to July 1, 2024, involved simultaneous raids across Singapore by various police divisions, from which 37 men and two women were arrested.

At the same time, the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP)’s criminal investigation department (CID) executed raids in Malaysia, leading to the arrest of four Singaporean men.

During the operation, the SPF issued prohibition of disposal orders for seven properties valued at over S$10.7 million (approx. RM36.16 million).

Additionally, authorities confiscated cash, jewellery, luxury watches and more than 40 bank accounts worth nearly S$4 million (approx. RM13.89 million).

Electronic devices such as computers and mobile phones, along with gambling equipment, were also confiscated.

SPF’s acting deputy commissioner of police (Investigation and Intelligence), cum CID director, Zhang Weihan, stated: “The police take a serious view against all forms of illegal betting activities and will continue to take tough enforcement action, and prosecute those involved to the fullest extent of the law. Members of the public are advised to steer clear of all forms of illegal gambling.”

“To counter transnational organised crime, the SPF will work closely with foreign counterparts, such as the RMP, to detect and deter these syndicates who target our citizens.”

“I would like to thank RMP’s CID director, Commissioner Datuk Seri Mohd Shuhaily Mohd Zain and his officers for their strong support and commitment in tackling transnational organised crime groups who perpetuate crimes in Singapore.

“The SPF will continue to work with our partners to detect and dismantle criminal syndicates wherever they choose to operate,” he said in the statement.