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KUCHING: All foreigners and Malaysians from Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah whose social visit or travel passes expired from Jan 1, 2020 to 14 working days after the Movement Control Order (MCO) is lifted will be allowed to leave Sarawak without the need to apply for an extension from the Immigration Department.

Sarawak Immigration Department director Datu Ken Leben also said those using social visit or travel passes and had stayed on from Feb 1, 2020 to 14 working days after the MCO is lifted, and intend to remain in Sarawak an apply for an extension from the department.

“For long-term social visit pass holders who have been in Sarawak from Feb 1, 2020 until the MCO is lifted, an extension can be made at the Immigration Office,” he said in a statement dated May 6.

Ken said these individuals who needed an extension must make appointments by using the Online Appointment System (STO) at from May 8.

“All appointments for immigration counter services in the Visa, Pass and Permit Divisions, Expatriate and Foreign Workers Division are required to use the STO.

“For matters related to the Security and Passport Division, an appointment is not required and the public may come directly to the immigration counter but subject to the Covid-19 Management Guidelines in Malaysia No.5/2020,” he said.

He stressed that only customers who had made an appointment would be entertained unless they were applying for the International Malaysia Passport.

Immigration service counters at Urban Transformation Centre (UTC) Kuching, UTC Sibu and UTC Miri will start their operations from May 12, subject to further instruction from the Ministry of Finance.

Members of the public who go to the Immigration Office will have their body temperature (not exceeding 37.5 degree Celsius) taken and they have to use face mask throughout their visit at the office.

They were also advised to practise social distancing of 1 metre from each other and use hand sanitiser before dealing with the immigration officer.

“Hand sanitiser will be made available at all major entrances of the building and the immigration office,” said the statement.

The public are advised to visit and the official Facebook page for more information on the procedures to make an appointment with the Immigration Department.

For enquiries, call hotline 03-88882010 or Sarawak Immigration Department Operations Room 082-429437. - The Borneo Post