PETALING JAYA: Senator Mohd Hasbie Muda, who is also the Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah)’s Youth chief, has apologised after his vehicle was photographed parked on a pedestrian walkway.

The incident gained attention after a post on X went viral, showing Hasbie’s car obstructing the pavement.

In response, Hasbie issued an apology on X, stating: “As the owner of the vehicle, I deeply regret what happened and take full responsibility.

“I am very sorry for the inconvenience caused and am willing to accept any fine.”

The original post by @JimmyNaj featured images of a Proton X90 with a parliamentary badge blocking a walkway in Kuala Lumpur.

“An MP’s car is parked on the pedestrian path. With a high salary and a car allowance, it would be better to use a paid parking spot,“ the posting said.

Several comments expressed displeasure with his actions. @FaridAPandi commented: “Please lead by example YB,“ while @bulah01 remarked: “I don’t understand how you could park there. If this post hadn’t gone viral, it seems you wouldn’t be feeling regretful.”

The incident has sparked discussions about the responsibility of public officials to adhere to traffic rules and set a good example for citizens. It also shows the growing role of social media in holding public figures accountable for their actions.

Although his apology and willingness to face the fine have been noted, some remain sceptical about whether the incident would have been addressed without public exposure, while others have dismissed his apology entirely.