KANGAR: The Unity Week celebration is pivotal to igniting the patriotic spirit among Malaysians by understanding and appreciating the Federal Constitution and Rukun Negara to develop responsible citizens with a strong sense of identity.
The Regent of Perlis Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Putra Jamalullail said the celebration also fosters a love for the country through efforts and cooperation among various races, regardless of differences including religion or political ideology, in carrying out charitable and voluntary work.
“(Thirdly, the Unity Week celebration is important because it) Fosters tolerance and mutual respect through various mediums, including interfaith dialogues, cultural forums and integration events.
“So, the love for the country can continue to be strengthened and appreciated by all Malaysians,” he said when officiating the Perlis state-level 2024 Unity Week celebration in Kuala Perlis near here today.
Also present at the event was the Raja Puan Muda of Perlis Tuanku Dr Hajah Lailatul Shahreen Akashah Khalil. Minister of National Unity Datuk Aaron Ago Dagang was also present.
The Regent of Perlis said unity is a very important value in building Malaysia, thus ensuring harmony in cultural diversity.
Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Putra hoped that the spirit of unity and integration among Malaysians would continue to be the foundation and backbone to generate the country’s progress for the prosperity of all.
“I hope Malaysians, especially the people of Perlis, can live in harmony, unity and tolerance in an atmosphere of unity and integration as it will not cause us to lose our identity.
“Unity requires sincerity as we all enjoy the development of the country without any feelings of suspicion,” he said.