PETALING JAYA: A woman was sentenced to three months’ jail and fined RM2,000 for extorting money from her husband.

According to Kosmo, the accused, Syuzzana Yahaya, 32, along with her lover, Mohd Feardous Osman, 42, demanded RM2,000 from her husband through a fabricated kidnapping plot.

The charge sheet read that both accused were charged with extortion through WhatsApp against Zakaria Mohd Nooh, 41, instilling fear in him to hand over the cash.

The Whatsapp message requested that the RM2,000 be transferred to an account and also included threats to avoid police involvement if the husband did not want starvation or harm to incur on his family members.

The offence was allegedly committed at a house in Pekan Nanas on July 26.

The accused pleaded guilty after the charges were read by the court interpreter. Mohd Feardous however, pleaded not guilty to the same charge.

Both Syuzzana and Mohd Feardous were charged under Section 385 of the Penal Code, which carries a maximum penalty of seven years imprisonment, a fine, or caning, or any combination thereof.

The prosecution was led by deputy public prosecutor Nurezzati Zaini, while both accused were unrepresented.

Magistrate Nur Azzuin sentenced Syuzzana to three months in jail and fined her RM2,000, with an additional three months imprisonment if the fine is not paid.

Meanwhile, Mohd Feardous was granted bail of RM5,000 with one surety and the case was set for document submission and mention on September 2.