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PUTRAJAYA: Oral diseases are targeted to be prioritised and included in the new non-communicable disease (NCD) agenda at the 2025 United Nations Fourth High-Level Meeting on NCDs.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) in a statement today said it is one of the topics discussed in the programme ‘Oral Health: Time for Commitment and Action’ which has the theme of determining and measuring the success of the Global Oral Health Action Plan (GOHAP) 2023-2030, held in conjunction with the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva.

“Emphasis on the political commitment of member states to oral health and further accelerating the expansion of efforts to prevent and control oral diseases along with other NCDs, is very important to implement the global oral health policy, strengthen the national oral health policy and mobilise stakeholders outside the oral health sector.

“Progress towards universal health coverage (UHC) for oral health by 2030 depends on the ability and readiness of the ministries of health of member countries and other stakeholders in coordinating, collaborating, and integrating these efforts,“ said MOH.

According to the Ministry of Health, Malaysia has presented its experience and success in implementing and monitoring the achievement of GOHAP 2023-2030 to the global community and also discussed is an innovative method to evaluate implementation, measurement of success and direction to mobilise stakeholders outside the oral health sector.

“Through this interactive session, actions, concepts, implementation ideas and monitoring of GOHAP achievements between member countries are discussed in preparation for the Global Oral Health Meeting which for the first time will be organised by the World Health Organization (WHO) in Thailand in November 2024,“ said the Ministry of Health.

For the record, Malaysia has launched a National Dental Health Policy

and its strategic plan in line with global initiatives in 2023.

A total of 18 national actions towards improving UHC for dental health have been implemented throughout the country in line with the six strategic objectives of GOHAP, which include aspects of dental health governance, disease promotion and prevention and dental health care.

“Malaysia is committed to implementing the global oral health agenda through engagement with various stakeholders from the public, private sector, non-governmental organisations and industry players in order to achieve the best oral health status of the people,“ said the Ministry of Health.