Datuk Seri Abdul Karim wants the proposed airline to operate not only within Sarawak and Sabah, but also in other parts of Malaysia.

Sarawak’s boutique airline expected to take off by year-end

PETALING JAYA: Sarawak’s own airline is expected to be operational by the end of this year or early next year, said Datuk Seri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah.

This means artists from Southeast Asia will be able to fly directly to Kuching to attend next year’s Asean International Film Festival and Awards (AIFFA), said the Sarawak’s Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts Minister.

“I am very sure by the end of this year or early next year, we will have our very own airline flying around Southeast Asia and probably in the next AIFFA, those within the region can fly direct to Kuching using our own airline,” he said, according to The Borneo Post

In April, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim announced that he agreed in principle to the Sarawak state government’s proposal to run a state-owned boutique airline.

And previously in June, Abdul Karim said he wants the proposed airline to operate not only within Sarawak and Sabah, but also in other parts of Malaysia.

He said the proposed airline is also targeting cities in Southeast Asia, including the Philippines, southern Thailand and Indonesian cities, adding that efforts are being made to obtain landing rights in cities outside Malaysia.

Datuk Seri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah/THESUNPIX by Adib Rawi Yahya