Tabung Haji lodges police reports against former top officials, senior management

KUALA LUMPUR: Lembaga Tabung Haji (TH) yesterday lodged two police reports against its former chairman Datuk Seri Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, former chief executive officers Tan Sri Ismee Ismail and Datuk Seri Johan Abdullah, as well as senior management staff.

It said the reports lodged were the first following internal investigations into past transactions, spearheaded by the new management, since July 2018.

The senior staff in question are chief operating officer Datuk Adi Azuan Abdul Ghani, chief financial officer Datuk Rozaida Omar, legal adviser Hazlina Mohd Khalid and senior general manager for corporate services and real estate Rifina Md Ariff.

“The first report involves Yayasan Tabung Haji’s (YTH) 2017 programme where funds totalling over RM22 million were disbursed for activities with political inclinations. This contravenes the Memorandum and Articles of Association of YTH,“ TH said in a statement last night on the reports that were lodged with the Commercial Crime Investigation Department here.

It said the trustees of YTH at that time were Abdul Azeez, Ismee, Johan, Adi Azuan and Rozaida.

YTH was set up in 2016 to undertake, among others, humanitarian aid and to contribute to the underprivileged, the poor and the needy. TH had contributed RM7 million to the programme.

The second report against Ismee, Hazlinda and Rifina related to alleged misrepresentations and withholding of material information involving TH’s 2012 sale of 95 per cent shareholdings in PT TH Indo Plantations held by two of its subsidiaries, namely TH Indopalms Sdn Bhd (THI) and TH Indo Industries Sdn Bhd (THII), to PT Borneo Pacific (PT Borneo) for US$910 million (RM3.7 billion) .

PT TH Indo Plantations owns a total of 83,000 hectares of palm oil estates in Indonesia, according to the statement. — <i>Bernama</i>