KOTA BHARU: A housewife was fined RM2,000 by the Magistrate’s Court today after pleading guilty to offering sexual services via WhatsApp at a guesthouse in Padang Seri Paduka, Kubang Kerian.

Aniza Shakiera Ahmad, 36, made the plea after the charge was read before Magistrate Ahmad Syafiq Aizat Nazri.

The woman was accused of soliciting for the purpose of prostitution at a guesthouse in Padang Seri Paduka at 7.30 pm on Nov 16.

The facts of the case revealed that she was arrested by the police during Op Noda when they raided the premises and found her offering sexual services for RM150 per session.

She was charged under Section 372B of the Penal Code, which carries a maximum penalty of one-year imprisonment, a fine, or both, upon conviction.

Deputy public prosecutor Mazlinda Mohd Nor appeared for the prosecution, while the accused was represented by lawyer Ariyani Mohd Amin @ Abdul Hamid from the Kelantan Legal Aid Foundation.

Ariyani requested a reduced fine, citing that the accused is a full-time housewife with seven children, and her husband works in a poultry processing factory.

The court imposed a fine of RM2,000, in default two months imprisonment, if the fine is not settled.