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PETALING JAYA: The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) will be distributing N95 masks around the areas of Selangor, Putrajaya and Negri Sembilan today as a contribution to combat the haze.

In a statement, NIOSH also advised Malaysians to purchase the N95 masks because it can filter up to 95% of dust particles, especially in the hazy conditions that is afflicting the nation.

“Haze has fine dust or dust that cannot be seen by the naked eye of men and now it has gathered and much of the air of Malaysia can see high concentration of fine particles in the air.

“These small particles has the potential to affect people’s health when they enter through the respiratory system either in the short or long term according to the body’s endurance,“ it said in a statement.

The NIOSH also said it was advisable to take precautionary measures to avoid inhaling haze by wearing self-protection equipment like masks.