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ALOR SETAR: The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability (NRES) conducted a site visit to monitor the forest plantation development project at the Rimba Teloi Forest Reserve in Sik yesterday.

NRES said in a statement today that the visit was also joined by the Forestry Department of Peninsular Malaysia (FDPM), the Department of Environment (DOE), and representatives from the non-governmental organisation Pertubuhan Pelindung Khazanah Alam Malaysia (PEKA).

“The Rimba Teloi Forest Reserve, covering an area of 33,148.95 hectares, was gazetted by the Kedah state authorities on May 10, 1953. Compartments 66 and 67 of the forest reserve have been designated as areas for forest plantation development in the state.

“The area was approved for forest plantation development by the state government in 2015. According to the briefing provided, 13 forest plantation development sites have been approved within the Rimba Teloi Forest Reserve, covering a total area of 4,085 hectares from 2014 to 2020,” it said.

However, it said that the Kedah State Forestry Department has suspended forest plantation development works in Compartments 66 and 67 pending approval of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

The ministry added that since 2021, the Kedah government has ceased approving new forest plantation developments in Permanent Reserved Forests (PRF) within the state.

This aligns with the decision of the 79th National Land Council meeting regarding the moratorium on new approvals for establishing forest plantations within PRFs in Peninsular Malaysia.

“Monitoring and enforcement activities are carried out periodically by the Kedah State Forestry Department in collaboration with other technical agencies such as the DOE, the Department of Irrigation and Drainage, and the Department of Mineral and Geoscience to ensure that existing developers comply with the regulations in place,” it said.

Meanwhile, NRES said that for wildlife management, its agency, the Department of Wildlife and National Parks (Perhilitan), has installed LED signboards to reduce the increasing rate of wildlife roadkills.

“These signboards not only warn of wildlife presence but also remind road users to be more cautious and responsible while driving.

“To date, Perhilitan has installed one LED signboard along Jalan Raya K13, Pedu-Gubir Dam, Sik, and another on the East-West Highway (JRTB) in Gerik, near the Air Banun Orang Asli settlement in Perak,” it said.