KUALA LUMPUR: The proposed National Care Economy Policy and quotas for the Quran and Fardu Ain (KAFA) teachers, are among the focus of the Dewan Rakyat sitting, today.

According to the Order Papers, published on the Parliament website, the first matter will be raised by Rodziah Ismail (PH-Ampang) during the question and answer session, who will ask the Minister of Women, Family and Community Development to explain the plan to introduce the policy.

She emphasises the significant economic potential of the care economy, noting its role in acknowledging women’s contributions, through caregiving and domestic work, while fostering the creation of new job opportunities.

In the same session, Ahmad Tarmizi Sulaiman (PN-Sik) will ask the Prime Minister to state whether the government plans to increase the quota for KAFA teachers nationwide and the establishment of KAFA teacher education institutes, as well as grade increases for KAFA supervisors.

In addition, Teresa Kok (PH-Seputeh) will request an update from the Prime Minister on the efforts to separate the roles of the Attorney General and Public Prosecutors, as well as the timeline for implementing this institutional reform.

Meanwhile, Wan Razali Wan Nor (PN-Kuantan) will pose a question to the Minister of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives regarding the ministry’s efforts to regulate problematic cooperatives, particularly in financial management and control measures, to safeguard cooperative members and investors from substantial financial losses.

Datuk Dr Ku Abd Rahman Ku Ismail (PN-Kubang Pasu) will ask the Minister of Investment, Trade, and Industry to state the value and industrial sectors to be developed by South Korean investors in Malaysia, as well as trade values, especially Malaysian exports to South Korea, stemming from his visit to the republic.

The sitting then continues with the tabling of bills for the first reading, including the Penal Code (Amendment) (No.2) Bill 2024 and the Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) (No.2) Bill 2024.

In addition, the Labuan Companies (Amendment) Bill 2024; the Labuan Trusts (Amendment) Bill 2024; the Labuan Foundation (Amendment) Bill 2024 and the Labuan Limited Partnership and Limited Liability Partnership (Amendment) Bill 2024.

Next, the Legal Profession (Amendment) Bill 2024; the Communications and Multimedia (Amendment) Bill 2024; the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (Amendment) Bill 2024; the Water Services Industry (Amendment) Bill 2024 and the Mufti (Federal Territories) 2024 will be tabled for the second reading.

The current Dewan Rakyat sitting, scheduled to run for 35 days, began on Oct 14 and will conclude on Dec 12.