WE are fortunate to have public toilets and washrooms but their cleanliness and functionality need serious attention.

Public washrooms in most petrol stations, bus terminals, railway stations, restaurants, food courts and other places are in a dismal state.

They are often smelly, with the stench spreading throughout the vicinity. The floors are always wet, and most of the urinals are clogged.

The toilet flushes do not work and the hoses have low water pressure. The toilet seat covers are wet and stained.

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Most of the cubicle knobs are broken and the latches do not lock. There are no tissues or toilet rolls. The sinks are clogged and the pipes have low water pressure. Additionally, there are no soap dispensers.

Washrooms should serve their purpose. Since many people use them daily, they should be inspected and maintained daily by the authorities.

Clogged urinals and wash basins, broken door latches, and non-functional toilet flushes need to be repaired to ensure they are in working order.

ALSO READ: Indifferent attitude reason why many public toilets can’t attain ‘BMW’ status

The responsibility lies with the authorities to provide clean, hygienic and functional toilets. Lackadaisical attitudes toward washroom maintenance must be addressed.

Charge users but ensure that toilets are kept clean and functional. This is a health and environmental concern and impacts the tourism image of our country.