Life hacks to reduce lockdown stress

Are you feeling restless and agitated like a caged cheetah or feeling lethargic in this extended lockdown? You’re not alone. Thanks to the internet and social media, people around the world have been sharing life hacks that have kept them sane during their time indoors. Here are some life hacks you can follow to save your sanity!


$!Life hacks to reduce lockdown stress

Those who feel lost because they don’t have a fitness trainer to motivate them during workouts can find similar workout videos online. The good thing about most exercises such as callisthenics relies on your body weight so you don’t need to purchase extra equipment unless you want to.

Have flowers in the home

$!Life hacks to reduce lockdown stress

Staying indoors for too long can take a toll on mental health and stress levels. A beautiful way to manage being stuck indoors is to introduce plants especially flowers into the home. Some research suggests that looking at flowers can reduce pain and stress levels. It’s also a pretty and elegant way to spruce up the decor at home. Taking things a step further, you can consider taking up the art flower arrangement as a means to relax and occupy your free time.

Do a puzzle

$!Life hacks to reduce lockdown stress

Our stresses often come from doing the same and repetitive tasks daily. This stress doubles when work never seems to end because not everyone knows how to respect after work hours. To save your sanity, remember to take a rest break for a few minutes to stretch and surprise surprise tackle some fun puzzles. Whether it’s a jigsaw puzzle, a word search puzzle or a logic puzzle app, these short game breaks can help lower stress levels and is a low tech, therapeutic activity.

Tidying up

$!Life hacks to reduce lockdown stress

While artists exclaim that messes reflect creative minds, working in clutter may not be for everyone. If you’re someone who finds calmness in an organized space, it’s time to take some time to declutter and reorganize the home. Start with something small before tackling larger items. When it’s all done, you’ll feel calmer and ready to do the next item on your things to do list.

Choose the right lighting

$!Life hacks to reduce lockdown stress

The right lighting can help improve moods too. Too much harsh white light can be glaring and uncomfortable while too much yellow light can make everything look dim. Mix up the lighting in different sections of the home such as having calming, yellow lighting in the bedroom.

Clean up social media accounts

$!Life hacks to reduce lockdown stress

Due to events in the past few years, we truly see the true sides of our friends online. Sometimes, what they say is becoming toxic day by day. They could have fallen deep into the conspiracy theory hell hole. Your mental health comes first so it’s a good time as any to start weeding out the toxic people in your social media timeline. If you’re afraid of causing drama from removing problematic friends, social media platforms have introduced nifty features which help you limit seeing their posts. Keep the circle of friends or the people you follow small and life is so much calmer.

Put on the chef’s apron

$!Life hacks to reduce lockdown stress

It’s time to experiment in the adult lab which is the kitchen. Some people get hung up about cooking because they feel they’re bad at it and they don’t know what to do. It helps to allow yourself to make a complete mess or butchering the perfect recipes. The idea is to learn how to have fun like children once again. Once you let loose, the thought of cooking and baking will be enjoyable and you’ll soon make delicious treats for yourself and the family.