THE MagnumCares “Cepat-Cepat Tolong” programme recently contributed to the medical needs of accident victim U. Harinesh from Gambang, Pahang.

The eight-year-old boy was involved in an accident on April 25, when he was a pillion rider on a motorcycle. His left leg was severely injured when it got into the moving rear wheel of the motorcycle. His calcaneum (often called “heel”) was fractured too, in the mishap.

Since then, he has not been able to stand and walk with the injured leg, unless he uses crutches. He has to go for a corrective surgery and that will cost RM6,620, according to his parents.

$!BEST OF LUCK TO THE BOY. Magnum East Coast & Selangor vice-president (regional head) Lim See Chin and U. Harinesh.

His father is 54-years-old and works as a barber. Harinesh is the eldest of four siblings. His mother is unemployed and stays at home to take care of the family. The family’s income is barely enough to support their living expenses.

The Cepat-Cepat Tolong programme, through its Magnum East Coast & Selangor vice-president (regional head) Lim See Chin, presented a cash donation of RM 2,000 to Harinesh recently. Also present was Pahang Exco member Sim Chon Siang.

Lim said the MagnumCares “Cepat-Cepat Tolong” (CCT) programme aims to improve the well-being of the underprivileged community nationwide. “Whether it is providing aid to victims of natural disasters or donating to patients in need of medical financial aid, CCT believes that speediness in rendering help when it is needed most makes all the difference.”

CCT is part of the Magnum Group’s on-going corporate social responsibility initiatives, aimed at providing meaningful impact and immediate aid to victims of natural disasters.

The programme’s core philosophy revolves around proactive outreach and swift action during emergency situations, believing that rendering help when it is needed the most can make all the difference in the lives of those in need.