IT TOOK award-winning director Aziz M. Osman 24 years after releasing his landmark sci-fi film, XX Ray, in 1992 and its sequel, XX Ray II, in 1995 to come out with the third instalment in the film series, which opens in cinemas tomorrow.

Aziz, 56, was only 30 when the first XX Ray was made. The film’s plot centred around the nerdy Amir Hamzah (played by Aziz himself) who invented a machine that somehow also made him invisible.

At the time, people were sceptical that such a film idea would work, but Aziz proved them wrong, as the film became a runaway success.

In the sequel, Aziz (right) took another chance by crafting a story revolving around time travel, with Amir travelling back into the past and meeting legendary warrior Hang Tuah (played by Jalaluddin Hassan), and trying to stop an evil witch (Ida Nerina) from taking over the Malacca throne.

In XX Ray III, the film has a new hero, Rayyan (Izzue Islam), who must prevent the sun from overheating and destroying the earth.

The film also stars Nonny Nadirah, Adam John, Saiful Apek, Dazrin Kamaruddin, and Datuk Rahim Razali, with Aziz making a cameo appearance as well.

Aziz explains: “I created a new hero because I want to appeal to a new generation of audience.

“I am happy with Izzue’s performance, but in the end, the audience will make the final judgement whether Izzue was the right choice or not.”

Can XX Ray III live up to expectations, and earn glowing reviews like the two previous films?

“I know the die-hard fans of the two previous instalments will support the film,” says Aziz.

“I am a great fan of the first three Star Wars films. Fifteen years later, they released a fourth film, Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. The film did not get good reviews.

“But I was a die-hard fan, so I was biased. I love the film. I think the same principle applies to my film. The die-hard fans will always be biased.

“But I cannot predict the reaction of the audience. Only time will tell if they will support my film or not.

“The most important thing is that the film is trending on social media. If the film gets the silent treatment from social media, then we are in trouble.”

When asked what took him so long to make the third film, he says: “After XX Ray II, I decided that I wiould not make any more sci-fi films.

“Making a sci-fi film takes a lot of budget. You spend a lot of money on the special effects to make the film more convincing;

“The other reason was that I could not find a good original story. I do not want to copy and paste from other sci-fi films.”

However, he says that if XX Ray III becomes a hit, he would not hesitate to make XX Ray IV.

“Next time around, I just want to be a mentor, and let a younger person take the responsibility of directing,” he says. “A new director might bring a new perspective.”

He points out that his latest film focuses on the issue of climate change.

“If we continue to abuse our environment, then we are in trouble,” he says. “Nature has a way of striking back at us.”

Incidentally, the character of Hang Tuah also makes an appearance in the latest film, with Jalaluddin reprising his role.

Aziz admits to having a fascination for this legendary warrior. “As a filmmaker, I find his mystic character intriguing, and [there are] many interesting possibilities to portray him.”

The film’s new leading man, meanwhile, has many good things to say about Aziz’s skills as a director.

“The first thing Aziz told me was that I must not imitate Amir (from the previous films),” says the 28-year-old. “Aziz told me Rayyan and Amir have totally different personalities, so we cannot be alike.”

Izzue was also impressed at how the director was always calm and in control on set.

“He never tired of answering any questions the actors had about their character,” he says. “He always had a Plan B ready if Plan A did not work. Working with him was not stressful at all.”

Aziz says he initially wanted to retire from directing after releasing XX Ray III. But now he has had a change of heart.

He voiced a keen interest in adapting the cult local comic series Bersama Selamanya, first drawn by cartoonist Gayour in 1994, into a film.

The comic centres on five best friends who are rockers, and their adventures together.

Bersama Selamanya might be the last film I direct,” Aziz says.