IUMW Thespians in collaboration with the International University of Malaya-Wales (IUMW) presents Gruesome Playground Injuries, IUMW’s first ever theatre production.

Gruesome Playground Injuries is an American play written by Pulitzer’s Prize Finalist, Rajiv Joseph.

Originally staged off-Broadway in 2011, this adaptation for Malaysian audiences (by Axyr Hanz William and Nephi Shaine William) is set in present-day Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The story play follows two “scar-crossed lovers”, Doug (played by Syed Imran, 18) and Kayleen (Tia Emeria, 21) through a non-linear timeline of their relationship, spanning ages eight to 38 years old.

Set in the fictional school in Kuala Lumpur, audiences are in for a journey of exploration and discovery of love told through the perspectives of different ages.

Various taboo topics of pain, loneliness, self-harm and mental health are explored throughout the course of their relationship.

Being IUMW’s first ever theatre production, the play will be adapted also in terms of language, playing around with the dynamic of the Malay and English language.

Be ready to experience a beautiful story of the two scar-crossed lovers, through their trials and tribulations.

The show is open to the public on July 18 at 8pm. Tickets are priced at RM35.

Tickets can be purchased through email via iumwthespians@gmail.com