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Rising star overcoming odds in Malaysian entertainment scene

BORN and raised in Kuala Lumpur as an only child to Baba Nyonya parents, Kimberly Chuah’s journey to becoming an actress is anything but conventional.

“My mom and late dad are Nyonya Malacca and Baba Penang respectively,” she shares with theSun.

Her background might be humble, but her dreams are vast and varied.

$!Despite her passion, breaking into the entertainment industry initially seemed like an overwhelming challenge for Chuah.

From watching TV to living it

Her early inspirations were drawn from Hong Kong dramas.

“I particularly admired the actress Charmaine Sheh,” she revealed.

But it was not just about wanting to be like Sheh... she sought to explore every role she saw her idol play on screen.

“When she portrayed an inspector, I wanted to become an inspector. When she played a flight attendant, I wanted to be that as well.”

After several years, Chuah realised that her ever-changing ambitions were all rooted in one desire – to be an actress.

Despite her passion, breaking into the entertainment industry seemed like an overwhelming challenge.

“I had no family members, friends or acquaintances in the field,” she recounted, adding that financial constraints added to her struggles.

“I joined a musical theatre programme once, after my mum signed me up as a gift for my good UPSR results. It cost a lot for her at the time, and I will always remember my mum’s support.”

Although faced with setbacks and feeling like she was “too late” to pursue her dreams, her determination never wavered.

“During my STPM year, I came across an open audition for a theatrical play. I remember telling my mum: ‘Kalau dapat jadi pokok pun jadilah’ (It will do even if I get to play a tree).

“I got in.”

From that moment on, Chuah started auditioning for performing arts companies and eventually broke into the local entertainment scene in 2020, starting with background extra roles.

Her roles have been as diverse as her inspirations.

“Most of the time, there is a ‘reference’ for a character,” she explains. For instance, for Amy in Project: Exit, she drew inspiration from her director-writer Zulaikha Zakaria.

“When it comes to how Amy nags, I referenced my makeup artist as she tends to nag in a very cute way.”

To portray Susan in Gerak Silat Gendang Singa, she even learned silat moves.

“Part of the beauty of being an actress is you have to learn certain skills to live as another person.”

$!Beyond acting, she hopes to explore hosting and content creation further.

Stepping stone to success

Participating in Dewi Remaja 2022 was a game-changer for her.

“Career-wise, it gave me more exposure, and finishing third definitely helped me gain more attention.”

The competition also taught her valuable lessons in discipline and poise.

“I learned to be more disciplined and I improved on my self-grooming skills, courtesy of my Dewi sisters.”

Looking ahead, her aspirations are as ambitious as her journey thus far.

“I would be thrilled to be given a chance to portray and be cast as an antagonist. I would also like to play a character with a disability or mental illness, to raise awareness.”

Beyond acting, Chuah hopes to explore hosting and content creation further.

“I would love to host a travelogue one day.”

She leverages social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram to engage with her audience and showcase her personality.

“I used to go live on TikTok to engage with my audience. Social media impacts career growth, especially nowadays when it is a staple.”

Her journey to stardom is a testament to her unwavering passion, perseverance and resilience. From dreaming as a child to living her dream as an actress, her story is one of hope, determination and the belief that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible.

As she continues to chase her dreams, Chuah remains grounded and is always grateful for the opportunities she has been given, and is eager to see where her journey will take her next.