Clear yourself of negative emotions and live life the way you want

NEGATIVE emotions affect everyone at some time in their lives; they can be triggered by anything, including situations, people, or even objects. It is crucial to remember that no feeling, positive or negative, is intrinsically evil. These feelings are totally natural in specific circumstances or situations. These feelings become troublesome when they persist and interfere with your capacity to live your life regularly. There are a variety of negative emotions that are frequently identified. While such feelings are frequently a normal reaction to certain experiences or events, they are distressing and uncomfortable.

Anger, jealousy, embarrassment, and anxiety are all examples of unpleasant emotions. To deal with negative emotions, there are several coping methods. Here are seven steps that may help you in starting to let go of those negative thoughts.

Understand your emotions

Analyse yourself and identify the situations that are causing you tension and negative emotions. Examining the cause of the emotion and your reaction might reveal useful information. A specific situation, such as an overwhelming task, might result in negative feelings. Your feelings about an incident can play a part. The way you perceive what happened might affect how you feel about the situation and whether or not it produces tension.

$!Negative emotions are defined as any feeling that makes you unhappy or sad. – 123RF

Acknowledge your thoughts

It is absurd to persuade oneself to quit thinking negatively and feeling this way. That is just not the case. Instead, take that notion, listen to it, accept it, and then move on to a new, better thinking. This new and better mental process will make the feeling less abrupt, more tolerable and less stressful. Assume you glance in the mirror and still feel unattractive as a result of someone’s remark. “How true is that?” you could ask yourself. Opening a conversation might sometimes reveal that this thinking is just that – a thought. The majority of our ideas have nothing to do with reality and everything to do with how we are feeling at the time. It’s just a record playing in our heads that has to be stopped.

Think before you respond

You should relax. Assume you find yourself in a position in which your natural instinct is to shout or write a passive hostile Whatsapp message. Take a moment to reflect. Is this something you really want? You must ask yourself questions and consider what will happen next – the ramifications of the minor issue. “Is it worthwhile or what do I get from this?” These are just a few of the questions you should begin asking yourself before reacting adversely to something. You could discover that you’re glad you thought about it before acting. Or perhaps, if you have difficulty being brief, by the time you get to the conclusion of your inquiries, you will have forgotten what occurred in the first place.

$!In this downward cycle of negative thinking, you may come to feel even worse about the circumstance and yourself. – 123RF

Turn it around

Even if it may sound corny, there are techniques to transform the negative into happiness. Even if you have to look particularly hard, there is always a positive aspect to every scenario. There’s a great approach to get started with this new attitude: whenever you notice yourself being negative, force yourself to think of something good. Think about how amazing something could go instead of how horrible it could go. Think on everything that might have gone wrong instead of everything that could have gone well. Also, there is something that can be stated when things go horribly wrong. Instead of dwelling on a failed interview session or a failed relationship, turn it around. Learn from your mistakes and make improvements to your life. Soon, you will realise that the very bad period of your life occurred for a reason.

Stop making excuses

You must quit making excuses for yourself as well as others. Perhaps you excuse your own conduct and why it is okay for you to express your rage verbally. Or maybe you make up reasons why other people deserve your rage. In either case, you are attempting to devise a socially acceptable excuse for your actions. The only thing is that it’s probably not acceptable, and all it’s doing is prolonging your bad emotions and making you unhappy in the meanwhile. There will eventually be no one to care for you except yourself. Stop victimising yourself. Consider if these other people have truly done anything wrong.

$!Staying engaged in unpleasant emotions might cause our body to produce more stress hormones. – 123RF

Search your feelings

They say that you have to experience it to heal it. Negative thoughts are frequently an opportunity to explore a suppressed emotion, such as sadness, fear, or rage. Tune in to your body and attempt to identify where you are physically harbouring these feelings. Grief may manifest as a constriction in your chest, worry as a pit in your stomach, or wrath as trembling in your arms and legs. Imagine sending 5-10 deep breaths to the specific area that brings discomfort in your body. Your autonomic nervous system will get a powerful, soothing signal. This reduces the fight, flight, or freeze response, which generates stress hormones. Deep breathing allows you to think more clearly about your problems and come up with answers.

Be kind to yourself

Finally, don’t be too harsh on yourself if life throws you in a situation beyond your control. Allow yourself to fully experience your emotions. Take note of what provoked the negative feelings, but don’t criticise yourself for experiencing them. Consider what you would tell a buddy in the similar position – and then be your own best friend!

We can manage our emotions, thoughts, and feelings if we have good emotional health. With confidence and resilience, we can make better judgements and face life’s problems. Improving your mental health allows you to feel more at ease with yourself. You will have more meaningful personal interactions, and will go forward in life with purpose.