IMAGINE if your go-to tool for cracking nuts and hammering nails turned out to be an explosive weapon?

A 90-year-old woman in China was shocked that her ‘hammer’ to crack nuts and embed nails for 20 years was actually a hand grenade.

Yes, you read that right.

According to the South China Morning Post, the elderly woman from Xiangyang, Hubei province discovered the metal item while working on her farm.

Due to its hammer-like shape, she decided to put it to good use on various household chores.

“I’ve been using it at home to pound red pepper, crack nuts, and hammer in nails,” she was quoted as saying.

It was only on June 23 when workers were demolishing her old home recognised it as a hand grenade, and immediately alerted the authorities.

The Huangbao police station quickly responded by reporting the incident to the local public security authorities.

Officers and a bomb disposal unit were sent to the scene. The weapon was confiscated and professionals were informed to destroy it.

The hand grenade was reportedly a domestic type 67, a Chinese hand grenade based on German Model 24 Stielhandgranate.

It was widely used during the Vietnam War where it was known as “Chinese Type II”.

Naturally, netizens were curious regarding the weapon’s failure to explode for over two decades and caused much amusement on social media.

“Apparently, even hand grenades have principles and won’t explode on kind-hearted elderly people,” said a netizen.

“The handle has even become smooth and shiny. The grenade might be thinking, ‘Please, officer, take me away quickly. I’ve been given too many tasks during my time here,” joked another.